We pride ourselves on making our facility feel like a second home — a true place for peace, comfort, and warmth. Our facility is equipped to provide you and your family only the very best and we invite you to explore all that we have to offer.
2308 Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, OR 97116
2308 Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Forest Grove Memorial Chapel is a business with a long history in the downtown area of Forest Grove and is one of Oregon’s oldest funeral homes. The business traces its beginnings back to a carpenter named Smith who made coffins. The initial location of the establishment was between 22nd and 23rd Avenue on A Street in 1870. Mr. Barnett J. Roe joined Smith and the business became known as Forest Grove Undertakers and Coffin Makers. When Smith died in 1876, Roe became sole owner of the firm. Roe then moved the business to his furniture store, the present site of Brodersen’s Furniture Company on Main Street. J. S. Buxton joined the business as a partner, and Roe then sold his interest in the funeral home to Victor Limber in 1884. Buxton then sold his interest in the business to a Mr. Nelson, in 1885. History books are sketchy on Nelson and little is known about the gentleman.
In 1912, Buxton bought out the interests of Limber & Nelson and moved the funeral home to a site across the street from the Sloan house on Pacific Avenue. Seven years later, in 1919, J.S. Buxton purchased the Sloan house, which was then a hotel, and moved across the street with his funeral parlor. In 1921, H. W. Prickett joined him as business partner. Ill health overcame Buxton and he retired in 1928, at that time, selling the funeral home to Prickett. The business was then known as the Forest Grove Undertaking Company.
The building was built in 1935 at 1920 Pacific Avenue in Forest Grove. When Mr. Prickett died in 1944, his wife Anna became the proprietor. The name of the business was changed to Prickett’s Mortuary in 1953, and Fern Prickett, Anna’s daughter, became owner in 1960 upon the death of her mother. On September 1, 1964, Fern sold the business to Bob and Jane Schneider and the business name was changed to Forest Grove Memorial Chapel. They owned and operated the business for over thirty years. In 1996, the Schneider’s sold it to Jeffrey. He has continued the fine tradition and service at this location for the past ten years. In January of 2006 the building was sold and they moved the business to the Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Chapel at 2308 Pacific Avenue in Forest Grove, (Corner of Cedar and Pacific, just four blocks to the west).
Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Home & Crematory
2308 Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Phone: (503) 357-2161
The caring and experienced professionals at Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Home & Crematory are here to support you through this difficult time. We offer a range of personalized services to suit your family’s wishes and requirements. You can count on us to help you plan a personal, lasting tribute to your loved one. And, we’ll carefully guide you through the many decisions that must be made during this challenging time.
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